Hindi Bigg Boss OTT Season 3

Bigg Boss OTT Hindi Season 3 Day 6 Highlights: Neeraj’s Shocking Mid-Week Elimination

Shocking Evictions and Emotional Breakdowns: Bigg Boss OTT 3 Day 6 Recap

Bigg Boss OTT Hindi Season 3 Day 6 Highlights

Bigg Boss OTT Hindi Season 3 Day 6 Highlights

Bigg Boss OTT Hindi Season 3 Day 6, the housemates experienced a rollercoaster of emotions. From unexpected evictions to intense confrontations, the drama in the house kept viewers on the edge of their seats. The biggest shock came with Neeraj Goyat’s mid-week elimination, leaving everyone stunned and Shivani Kumari in tears. Here’s a detailed look at the key events from June 26, Day 6 in the Bigg Boss house.

Mid-Week Elimination Announced

The episode began on a light-hearted note with Ranveer Shorey and Shivani Kumari entertaining the housemates by mimicking each other. Their playful banter brought laughter and a sense of camaraderie among the contestants. However, the mood quickly shifted when Bigg Boss called everyone to the living area for a major announcement.

Bigg Boss revealed that it was time for the first eviction of the season. This announcement came as a shock to the housemates, as they were not expecting an elimination so early in the week. The atmosphere turned tense as Shivani and Neeraj Goyat were nominated for eviction, having been considered outsiders by the housemates.

Neeraj Goyat Becomes Homeless

Bigg Boss then asked each housemate to state who they believed should be evicted. Nine out of the fourteen housemates felt that Shivani should leave the house. However, Bigg Boss announced that the audience had the final say, and according to their votes, Neeraj Goyat was evicted.

This decision left the housemates in disbelief, especially those who had voted for Shivani’s eviction. Shivani herself was overwhelmed with emotion, feeling both relieved and guilty that Neeraj had to leave. As Neeraj packed his belongings and said his goodbyes, the gravity of the competition started to sink in for everyone. His departure marked a significant turning point in the game, emphasizing the unpredictability of Bigg Boss.

Shivani’s Emotional Breakdown

Shivani Kumari, who had been under immense pressure due to her nomination, broke down after Neeraj’s eviction. She cried inconsolably, feeling responsible for his departure. The housemates gathered around her, offering comfort and support. Sana Makbul, in particular, took the lead in consoling Shivani, urging her to stay strong and reminding her that the audience had chosen to keep her in the house.

Shivani’s emotional breakdown highlighted the intense mental and emotional stress the contestants face. It also brought the housemates closer, as they rallied around her in a rare moment of unity and compassion.

Ranveer Shorey and Sana Maqbool’s Confrontation

As the housemates tried to move past the shock of Neeraj’s eviction, another conflict erupted. Ranveer Shorey and Sana Maqbool got into a heated argument during a playful mimicking session. While Ranveer and Shivani were imitating each other to lighten the mood, Ranveer called Sana a ‘chameleon.’ This comment did not sit well with Sana, who retorted by calling herself a serpent and threatening to ‘bite’ him.

The exchange quickly escalated, with both contestants trading barbs. Other housemates intervened to de-escalate the situation, but the confrontation left a lingering tension in the house. This incident underscored the fragile alliances and simmering rivalries that characterize life in the Bigg Boss house.

Pet Care Task: Teasing and Gossip

To lighten the mood and inject some fun into the house, Bigg Boss introduced a new task called ‘Pet Care.’ Each housemate was assigned a ‘pet’ to take care of, with the pets being other contestants. The task required the housemates to call each other by their pet names and engage in playful teasing and gossip.

Paoli Das, for instance, called her pet Shivani and taunted her playfully. Sai Ketan Rao named his pet Luv Katariya and engaged in humorous gossip about him. The task allowed the housemates to let off some steam and provided comic relief amid the intense competition.

Money Task and Duty Selection

The Pet Care task also included a monetary component, where contestants could earn money based on their performance and use it to choose their duties and ration for the week. When it was Shivani’s turn, she humorously referred to her pet, Sana Maqbool, as an ‘amazing bitch with a tail,’ causing the housemates to burst into laughter.

Kritika, Shivani, and Payal earned money from the task director Arman for their efforts and chose their preferred duties and ration. This structure of the task added a strategic element, as contestants had to balance humor with their desire to earn money and secure favorable duties.

Manager and Worker Dynamics

In the fourth round of the task, Vishal was appointed as the manager, with Ranveer, Sana Sultan, and Munisha Khatwani as the workers. The workers had to gossip about other housemates, and their performance would determine their earnings. This setup created a dynamic where contestants had to navigate their relationships carefully, as gossiping could potentially damage alliances.

At the end of the round, the workers chose their duties based on the money they had earned. The task highlighted the competitive and strategic aspects of the game, as contestants had to weigh their words and actions to maximize their gains.

Bigg Boss Ends the Task

After several rounds of the Pet Care task, Bigg Boss ended the activity and announced the duties for each contestant. The duties were now fixed and would be displayed on the duty board. This announcement brought a sense of order to the house, as everyone knew their responsibilities for the week.

The Aftermath of Neeraj’s Eviction

Neeraj’s eviction had a profound impact on the house. His departure left a void, and the housemates were forced to reevaluate their strategies and alliances. Shivani, still reeling from the emotional toll, found solace in the support of her fellow contestants. The eviction also served as a stark reminder of the unpredictable nature of the game, keeping everyone on their toes.

Emotional Conversations and New Alliances

The sixth day also saw a few emotional conversations and the formation of new alliances. Shivani and Sana Maqbool, who had previously been at odds, shared a heartfelt conversation. Sana admitted that her earlier comments about Shivani were made in the heat of the moment and expressed her desire to start afresh. This conversation marked the beginning of a tentative alliance between the two.

Ranveer Shorey, despite his earlier confrontation with Sana Maqbool, found an ally in Vishal Pandey. The two bonded over their shared frustrations and discussed their game plans moving forward. Their alliance hinted at the shifting dynamics in the house, as contestants adapted to the evolving circumstances.

Viewer Engagement and Social Media Reactions

Outside the house, viewers were highly engaged with the developments of Day 6. Neeraj’s unexpected eviction and Shivani’s emotional breakdown sparked intense discussions on social media platforms. Fans expressed their support for Shivani, applauding her resilience and hoping for her success in the coming days.

The Pet Care task, with its humorous and strategic elements, also garnered positive reactions. Viewers enjoyed the lighthearted banter and appreciated the insight into the contestants’ personalities. The task showcased a different side of the housemates, providing a refreshing break from the usual drama.

Looking Ahead: The Next Chapter

As Day 6 came to a close, the housemates were left to reflect on the events of the day and prepare for the challenges ahead. The eviction had shaken their confidence, and the confrontations had tested their resolve. However, the moments of laughter and camaraderie reminded them of the importance of staying united in the face of adversity.

The coming days promise more drama, as the contestants navigate their relationships and strategize to stay in the game. With alliances forming and rivalries intensifying, the Bigg Boss house is set for an exciting journey ahead. Viewers can look forward to more twists and turns as the contestants fight for survival and the coveted title.


The sixth episode of Bigg Boss OTT Hindi Season 3 Day 6 was a dramatic and emotional rollercoaster. From Neeraj Goyat’s shocking eviction to Shivani Kumari’s emotional breakdown, the day was filled with significant moments that will shape the dynamics of the house moving forward. The Pet Care task added a layer of humor and strategy, providing a much-needed respite from the tension.

As the housemates brace themselves for the next chapter, viewers can expect more intense confrontations, emotional revelations, and strategic gameplay. The journey has just begun, and the stakes are higher than ever. Tune in to JioCinema Premium for 24/7 live coverage and catch the exclusive episodes daily at 9 PM to stay updated with all the action from the Bigg Boss OTT Hindi Season 3 house.

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