ContestantsSeasonsTelugu Bigg BossTelugu Season 7

Bigg Boss Telugu 7 Voting Results for the Eighth Week

Contestants in the Hot Seat – The Nominated Few

Bigg Boss Telugu Season 7

Bigg Boss Telugu Season 7 has been nothing short of a rollercoaster ride, keeping viewers glued to their screens. With each passing week, the stakes get higher, and contestants are acutely aware that they must avoid nominations to stay in the game. The eighth week of the season is no different, and the house is abuzz with anticipation and strategizing. Let’s dive into the world of nominations, voting trends, and the contestants who are walking the tightrope.

Nominated Contestants: The Hot Seat

In a season that has seen its fair share of drama, friendships, and conflicts, nominations are a crucial turning point. This week, a list of nominated contestants has emerged, and the tension in the Bigg Boss house is palpable. The nominated contestants for elimination in the eighth week are as follows:

Bigg Boss Telugu Season 7

  1. Shivaji
  2. Bhole Shavali
  3. Amardeep Chowdary
  4. Ashwini Sree
  5. Gautham Krishna
  6. Priyanka
  7. Shobha Shetty
  8. Aata Sandeep

These housemates now find themselves in the hot seat, and their fate rests in the hands of the viewers. The dynamics in the house can change in an instant, and alliances are put to the test as the game intensifies.

Voting Trends: Who’s at the Top and Who’s at the Bottom?

As the nominated contestants anxiously await the results of the voting process, it’s essential to understand the current voting trends. In the world of reality television, viewer support can make all the difference.

In the latest voting trends, Shivaji has emerged as the frontrunner, occupying the top position among the nominated contestants. His popularity and performance in the house have garnered him considerable support.

However, the situation is less favorable for a couple of housemates. Shobha Shetty and Aata Sandeep find themselves at the bottom of the voting trends with the least number of votes. The battle for survival is particularly challenging for them as they face the risk of elimination.

The Uncertain Fate: Who Will Face Eviction?

As the voting trends unfold, the tension inside the Bigg Boss house escalates. The uncertainty surrounding the eviction looms large, and contestants are well aware of the stakes. The dynamics of the house can change rapidly, making it challenging to predict who will ultimately face eviction.

The fate of the nominated contestants will be decided by the viewers, and their support will determine who stays and who bids farewell to the Bigg Boss house. As the week progresses, alliances will be tested, strategies will be employed, and contestants will give their all to secure their place in the game.


Bigg Boss Telugu Season 7 continues to captivate audiences with its drama and unpredictability. As the eighth week unfolds, the nominated contestants are in a precarious position, aware that they must avoid elimination to stay in the game. The voting trends have revealed the top and bottom performers, but the ultimate outcome remains uncertain.

The battle of nominations and the quest for survival make Bigg Boss Telugu Season 7 a compelling and gripping reality show. The fate of the housemates lies in the hands of the viewers, and their support will determine who continues the journey and who faces eviction.

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